Two weeks ago I went in for a simple procedure. It was only supposed to take about 30 minutes. All they had to do was scope my throat to see what was going on. (I choke a lot!) I guess while the doctor had the scope in there, he thought it looked good enough to stretch. The doctor decided to dilate it. Well, my throat ripped. That wasn't supposed to happen, nor is it a good thing. So, I was admitted to the hospital. I was there on an IV with no food or drink for three days. My family offered to take the girls because Lex had to work. Instead, Lex took work off and stayed home with our girls. He was so excited to spend time with them. He even got Jasmine on a schedule (which I wasn't able to get her on.) On Sunday he took the girls to church all by himself. Even more impressive was the fact that he attempted to do Desea's hair in pigtails. I wish I had a picture to post. It gets better. I came home to a clean kitchen and the laundry done. He took a couple more days off of work to help me out when I was at home. I was on a clear liquid diet, but still really weak. I didn't have the energy it takes to do every day things moms do. To top it off, last Sunday I had the 24 hour flu. We had family and friends coming over for dinner. I helped the best I could with dinner, but it wasn't much. Everyone came, eat, and had a good time. When I woke up, again I found the kitchen spotless. I LOVE YOU, LEX! YOU'RE THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME!
Seriously Lex, what a good hubby/daddy you are!! Impressive!
I heard from my mom about this! That's so horrible they ripped your throat! Ah! I've never even heard of something like that! Well, I'm glad your doing better and what a wonderful husband you have!
I love that picture of you two! Lex, I love you too! So honored to call you my brother! And Erika, I'm so sorry you got the flu on top of all that.
What can I say, I love my brothers! You're a stud Lex!
Wow! Alexis you are a great dad and husband.
Now that right there is an AMAZING HUSBAND and for sure a keeper! Way to go Lex! I am so happy for you guys you are such a beautiful family and you can tell you just love each other so much!
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